Thursday, August 9, 2007

An Everlasting Love

Believe it or not, I’m a perfectionist especially when it comes to pleasing God. I am my biggest critic when it comes to “falling short of His glory.” God does so much for me on a daily basis, so I strive to please Him in return. I know I can never pay Him back for all He’s done in my life, but I also know that my obedience and sacrifice to Him exhibit my gratefulness.

Honestly speaking, starting my day off with prayer isn’t that hard? So why is it so difficult for me to get up 30 minutes earlier to spend time in prayer? And telling a lie isn’t necessary? So why did lying about something as petty as where I was seem like such a necessity at the time? I know I’m going to feel like crap afterwards, so why not just do the right thing?

I spend so much time thinking about where I’ve messed up and what I could do better that sometimes it’s hard for me to just remember that God loves me. It’s ridiculous that I would spend an entire worship service asking for God’s forgiveness instead of expressing my love for Him and basking in His love for me. But it’s kind of hard to express love to and receive love from someone when you don’t think your deserve it. I when I focus all my energy on my shortcomings, it’s hard for me to feel like I deserve God’s love.

Thank God today was different. As I sat in worship service today, I didn’t even considered where I had messed up or what I could do better in my life. I just thanked God for loving me, for choosing me, for wanting me. It felt soooooo good just to love on God and have Him love on me, without considering the former things.

It’s amazing to fathom, but God knew every mistake and shortfall I was going to encounter long before they crossed my path. He wasn’t surprised when I messed up or was disobedient. He didn’t love me any less. And the first time I offered Him a true, repentant apologize, He forgave me…no questions asked, never to be remembered again. So if God has forgotten my mistakes, who am I to keep reminding Him of them?

I’m not trying to justify sin. And I’m not trying to excuse the behavior that you KNOW you never should have gotten caught up in. But I’m stressing that NOTHING can separate you from the love of God.

You’re not perfect, nor will you ever be. But God’s love is. God’s love is unconditional. It’s everlasting. And it’s unbreakable. Know that, believe that, and live that. Take the time to thank Him for being an awesome and wonderful God. Take the time to thank Him for being faithful and committed to you. And take the time to thank Him for loving you, in spite of the mistakes you make.

Bible Verse of the Day
“For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

--Romans 8:38-39 (Amplified Bible)

Task of the Day
1) Spend 10 minutes today, just thanking God for His unconditional, never ending love for you.

2) Still not convinced that God loves you no matter what? Stand in the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say “God loves me!” Repeat seven times, or until you believe it without a shadow of a doubt.

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