Thursday, October 11, 2007

Do Good; God Has Your Back

The days after Hurricane Katrina were hard on me. I had been an emotional wreck for awhile due to some personal issues I had going on. My finances were a complete wreck, and I just felt all alone in the world. I had been crying and wallowing in pity during the weeks preceding Katrina. It just felt like I had been in that miserable, awful place for way too long, and I wanted God to come and rescue me. "Hadn't I suffered enough?" I had repeatedly asked God.

Hurricane Katrina snapped me out of my self-pity. See, to me, my situation was the absolutely worse. No, my problems weren't the worse ones in the world, but they were my greatest fears all coming upon me at once, and that is what was killing me. But after Hurricane Katrina, I could no longer concentrate on my pitiful situation.

Hurricane Katrina was the straw that broke the camel's back. It put me face to face with people who were fighting for their lives and the lives of their children. They had basically been dropped in the midst of hell, complete chaos, with no food or water. For me to watch thousands of people suffering with seemingly no one coming to their aid made me physically ill. I was disgusted that my country, the greatest nation on this earth, would allow its people to suffer so unnecessarily. In the midst of my pain, disgust, and confusion, I actually walked out of my job and sat on the curb. I needed to be alone. I needed to talk to God.

As I sat in the parking lot, I cried and questioned God. "Why was this happening? Why was no one trying to help?" In the midst of talking to God about what was happening on the Gulf Coast, my mind went back to my problems. In that moment it seemed the entire world was in chaos. Why was God allowing the whole world to go crazy at one time?

In that moment, God told me that I didn't have to worry about my problems.

"But why?" I asked. "I can't pay my bills."

"If you take care of my work, I'll take care of you."

That statement stuck with me. If I would go about handling God's business, He would handle my business. Jesus discussed this concept in Matthew 6:25-34, where He encourages His followers not to worry about the day to day cares of life. Jesus goes on to explain how well God cares for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, and if God meets their needs, why wouldn't He meet yours as well.

Acts 10:38 speaks of how God anointed Jesus and He went about doing good. That same anointing rests on you. You have the power to do good for God's kingdom, and in return He will take care of all your daily worries.

Plus, if you concern yourself with helping others, you really won't have the time or energy to obsess over the issues in your life that God is already handling. Try not worrying and instead help someone else today and see what God does in your life.

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